The Lowly SDR Podcast
The Lowly SDR Podcast
Selling With Purpose: How To Be A Better Person & Sales Rep ft. Ian Koniak, Strategic AE at Salesforce
Today on "The Lowly SDR Podcast" we are speaking with Michael Jordan or if I had it my way... the Lebron James of enterprise sales. The man who has closed more revenue in one quarter than myself and my co host combined, Ian Koniak. Ian is an enterprise sales rep for Salesforce and is now teaching all us lowly sales reps how to go from selling copiers to closing 8 figure deals and how to become better humans along the way. In this episode we cover...
1. How can you sell better by being a better human being?
2. When is the time to forget sales tactics and just be your authentic self?
3. How do you quarterback your team through an enterprise sales cycle?
Abuveground: https://www.linkedin.com/company/abuveground
Ian Koniak: https://iankoniak.com/
Ian LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iankoniak/
Salesforce: https://www.linkedin.com/company/salesforce/